Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Best places to ride

Hey guys my name is Ian Feeney and i was wondering where you thought the best places to snowboard are.


  1. anywere the street is more fun than the resort, having to search for the perfect spot is way more enjoyable than having it right in front of you

  2. I may not be much help, but i always here great reviews for Mt. Snow

  3. I hate the cold, but I love the snow

  4. Imagine flying, the crisp winter flowing over your face, just you and nature! AND having the balance NOT to crumple yourself. I can only imagine - truly - because me and balance have only a superficial acquaintance - I even look at a patch of ice or snow and I'm on my posterior portion. It looks so freeing - like true excitement - alas *I* can only imagine!
    The comment Christian made about having to search for the perfect spot being enjoyable - THAT I can identify with! For me the "getting there" - the anticipation - is as much fun as the doing. Wishing you always happy landings!
